วันพุธที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

20100823 Osaka SUSHI special? By Kiyo

? Live www.ustream.tv everyday3PM clock and 10 in Japan and you can learn Japanese, too! Have you ever tried Japanese food? Kiyo give out food and local Japaese ---- Osaka geotag, photo love. Japanese food is not only sushi and tempura! =================================== This is 大阪 詰め合わせ 寿司 special asorted Osaka Sushi. I do not know why, but it is very nice for this volume, for this price! miso soup is also nice. E 'directly, but usually is not miso soupa big difference between regular and immediate one.So, please try this miso soup! =================================== =============== ==================== If you have any questions or want to eat Kiyo want to know more, please do not ask me! =================================== My Twitter ID is @ twitter id ecj_kiyo Easy cuisine of Japan is easycooking_jp Fan Page @ Facebook: www.facebook.com Cooking-Japan/134588116579487 I'm near Osaka and Kobe. Thanks


