วันเสาร์ที่ 25 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Popular Weight Loss Supplements

When you go to a health food store or browse the internet looking for weight loss supplements, you'll be bombarded with literally hundreds of choices. This article will help you make sense of the confusion that can result from the plethora of supplement choices you're offered. So let's take a look the eight most popular weight loss supplements...


Fucoxanthin is an antioxidant that naturally exists in edible forms of brown seaweed. These seaweeds -Wakami is one variety we know in the West - have been used by the Japanese for centuries to make 'miso soup'. Although human clinical trials of Fucoxanthin have not been undertaken as yet, animal trials have and anecdotal reports from people who have taken the supplement strongly suggest that Fucoxanthin is effective in targeting and reducing abdominal fat deposits.


Hoodia is a well known herbal supplement which acts as a natural appetite suppressant. Again there have not been any clinical trials of this supplement but many who've used it swear to the product's effectiveness in reducing the cravings for food and reducing appetite. However, if you decide to buy and use this supplement, be sure that you buy it from a reputable dietary supplement supplier as reports indicate that counterfeit Hoodia sales are rife.


Guarana is another natural herbal supplement that's sourced from the Amazon rain forests. Guarana is found in extremely high levels in caffeine but in supplements of Guarana, the level is double that which is in caffeine. For this reason, it's widely believed that Guarana works by stimulating energy expenditure, or put another way, it makes you burn calories faster because of increased activity levels.


Chromium is a naturally occurring mineral which is required by the body to metabolise protein and fat. When it's used as a supplement, Chromium is widely reported to assist people to lose weight, especially those who have diabetes or who are insulin resistant. People with diabetes or people who suffer from depression, anxiety or other psychiatric conditions should consult their doctor before commencing a supplement program containing chromium.

Ephedra and Bitter Orange

Ephedra is a natural stimulant that was known to aid weight loss however it was banned in the US because of severe adverse side effects. Bitter Orange is also a stimulant herb similar in effect to Ephedra and which has been used instead of Ephedra since the supplement was banned in 2004. As a stimulant, this herb will increase your energy expenditure and speed up your metabolism.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

This supplement naturally occurs in milk and has been proven to assist with weight loss. Conjugated Linoleic Acid is believed to encourage decreased body fat and increased muscle growth.


Chitosan is another natural supplement which is sourced from 'chitin', a component of the shells of crustaceans. Chitosan has been proven to improve weight loss and works by binding to fat molecules in the intestines which then prevent the absorption of the fat.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar has long been used as a natural appetite suppressant and is now available in tablet or capsule form from dietary supplement suppliers. Apple Cider Vinegar is known to be effective in liquid form also. However there have been some reports of adverse effects associated with the use of Apple Cider Vinegar tablets so always check with your doctor before taking this supplement.

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