วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 23 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

Ramen Night with Art School Dropouts!

Since most of my friends are vegetarian, finding a place to eat out with my friends can be difficult. So, I decided to invite some of my good friends over for good eats! And all vegetarian dishes! Appetizer: Tamagoyaki - I made some rolls with just fried eggs and veggies. Mama Min-styled Vegetarian Eggrolls and Dumplings - a Min style technique of packing oatmeal, carrots, and various vegetables to make the faux-meat for dishes! Ramen dishes: Miso soup and scallion stock - This uniquely Japanese ramen, which was developed in Hokkaidō, features a broth that combines copious amounts of miso and is blended with oily chicken or fish broth - but since I was making things vegetarian, I opted to have more crushed garlic, black pepper, and a whole lot of scallions. Spinach stock soup - This shōyu style soup ramen has a brown and clear color broth, based on the spinach stock with plenty of soy sauce added resulting in a soup that's tangy, salty, and savory yet still fairly light on the palate. Dessert: Japanese mooncakes but I didn't get to film it because....we got drunk first :( artschooldropouts.wordpress.com twitter tehfaiz


