Many doctors who specialize in digestive disorders will tell you that 25 to 50 percent of all digestive problems can be prevented or made less severe by a good diet, exercise, natural medicines, and lifestyle changes. Here is a list of foods that have good nutritional value and help your digestive system to work better.
1. Yogurt - Yogurt contains lactobacteria, intestines-friendly bacterial cultures that keeps your colon healthy, and even lower the risk of colon cancer. Also, yogurt is a good source of calcium - a mineral that boosts colon health and decreases the risk of colon cancer.
2. Rice - Unrefined or brown rice is packed with fiber, easy on your gut and is a natural remedy for diarrhea, nausea, or sour stomach. Rice is even safe for your pets to use as cure for diarrhea. Drinking the water the rice was boiled is also good for curing diarrhea.
3. Tofu - Tofu is high in protein and vitamins and is thought to have a number of anticarcinogenic (prevent cancer) nutrients. Tofu really doesn't have a flavor of its own so it can be mixed in a variety of dishes and is easily digested.
4. Bitter greens - Bitter greens are bitter tasting green vegetables. Most people are probably most familiar with radicchio, arugula and collard greens. When we taste the bitter taste, it causes our digestive juices to increase and our body's ability to break down food is increased.
5. Sunflower seeds - Sunflower seeds have protein, as well as phosphorus, potassium, and omega-6 fatty acids. To get the maximum benefit purchase them from natural food stores where they are more likely to be fresh.
6. Pineapple -. Pineapple contains an ingredient called brome lain, which helps to break down proteins and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Its nutrients include calcium, potassium, fiber, and vitamin C. In addition it is low in fat and cholesterol.
7. Miso - Miso, usually found in Asian markets, includes powerful digestive agents such as lactic acid bacteria, fermentation molds, and enzymes, its action in the bowels also helps break down foods quickly and easily. Miso soup is frequently on the menu at Japanese restaurants and you can find prepared mixes at some grocery stores.
8. Flaxseed oil - Flaxseeds and flaxseed oil strengthen the immune system, regulate blood pressure and stabilize cholesterol. Flaxseed oil helps lubricate the intestines and increases the ease of bowel movements. You can sprinkle it on your cereal; take it in oil form or capsule.
9. Olive Oil - You usually hear about olive oil in terms of its healthy fats that support heart health. Olive also assists in digestion..Because olive oil is a monounsaturated fat it is easy to digest and it helps the body absorb the nutrients in food and digest other fats more easily.
10. Papaya - Papaya extract is sold at health-food stores as a digestive enzyme in the form of chewable tablets. If you often have a bloated or queasy feeling after eating a large meal eating some papaya or chewing a papaya enzyme tablet will relieve that feeling..