Yeast infection and diet are closely related. Although eating something can clear your infection up within days, it can also be used to help prevent it from coming back ever again. In this article, I'll describe to you some of the natural foods you can eat to combat your yeast infections and those that you should not eat.
Sugar intake is closely linked to yeast infection. I realize that it might be hard to give up sugar completely but you should at least cut down a little if you want to keep those yeast infections away.
Grapefruit Seed Extract
This comes in a liquid form and a few drops of it can be mixed with water to make a douche that can clear up a yeast infection within days.
Look for "live" or "probiotic" yogurts. These contain healthy bacteria that your body has been lacking in order to prevent yeast overgrowth. Many women lose their healthy bacteria when they take antibiotics.
Garlic helps greatly with fighting yeast infections. It can be used in two ways.
First of all it can be taken orally. You may prefer to use garlic capsules instead but they are not as effective as eating garlic. Concealing them in a salad or a sauce may make it easier.
Secondly, they can be used directly in the vagina to fight yeast infection. Wrap garlic in gauze and insert into the vagina.
Alkaline foods like seaweed are great for neutralizing a yeast infection. You don't need to eat raw seaweed, you can try miso soup or seaweed tea.