วันเสาร์ที่ 16 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Staying Healthy in the Autumn According to Traditional Chinese Medicine

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, we observe nature and seasonal changes to learn proper ways of staying in harmony.  When we live in harmony with the season, we are also ensuring harmony within ourselves. From the foods we eat to the amount of sleep we get, all of these are reflected from observing nature. Autumn is considered the season of the Lung organ. Using this Traditional Chinese Medicine approach, here are some tips to staying healthy through the Autumn:

Eat seasonally. The Autumn is also the time to eat warm, cooked foods. It's time to reduce the amount of salads, smoothies, iced drinks, and foods cold straight from the refrigerator. Eat a variety of seasonal foods.

Fermented foods contain beneficial bacteria to keep your immune system strong. Introduce probiotic-rich foods into your diet: including sauerkraut, kim chi, miso, kombucha, rejuvelac, fermented soda, yogurt, kefir, and other fermented foods. Although food sources are best, you can also take a probiotic supplement- choose one that contains acidophilus and bifidus.

Pears are considered very helpful for the Lungs. Pears eliminate heat and phlegm, soothe dryness, and strengthen the Lungs. They are delicious to eat through the Autumn and are very soothing for coughs and sore throats.

Make sure to drink enough fluids. Stay hydrated with water, teas, soup stocks, and fermented drinks.

Make sure to get enough sleep. Sleep is very regenerative and keeps the immune system strong.

Exercise is helpful to keep the lungs strong. For those prone to Seasonal Affective Disorder, exercise is very helpful to keep moods stable. If you exercise outdoors, please wear appropriate clothing. Avoid wearing shorts in the cold weather. Instead, keep the body protected and wear layers.

Green tea (contains caffeine) and rooibos tea (herbal, contains no caffeine) are excellent sources of antioxidants to help you stay healthy.

Wash hands regularly, but do not use conventional "antibacterial" hand soap containing triclosan. Triclosan is a pesticide that has shown to decrease healthy flora on the skin, increasing our chances of infection! Instead use gentle organic soaps. If you wish for something a little stronger, you can use organic soaps with natural antibacterial essential oils such as tea tree and lavender.

Find ways to decrease stress. Stress depletes our immune system. The following are just a few ideas, but come up with your own: exercise, a daily meditation practice, exploring your creativity with art or music, laughter, taking up a hobby, enjoying time with friends and family, and gardening. Taking time to focus on things we are "grateful for" can really help with our sense of happiness and can ease anxiety.

Full-spectrum light bulbs are helpful to people who are emotionally affected by the darker days of winter. These bulbs produce light the same spectrum of sun light.

In Chinese Medicine, we make an effort to avoid "catching a cold or wind." This translates to wearing a scarf to protect the neck from being cold and wearing appropriate clothing. It's not recommended to go outdoors with wet hair.

At the first sign of a cold or flu, rest and get extra sleep. Try not to "push through" your illness. Listen to your body's need for rest. Drink teas, sip soup broths, and eat nutritious whole foods. Decrease processed sugar, and if you have phlegm, avoid dairy products (especially unfermented dairy). Honey soothes sore throats and helps with coughs. Perhaps take a soothing hot bath. Mild exercise is okay; intense exercise will only deplete your immune system further.

Regular acupuncture treatments are helpful to keep the immune system strong. Acupuncture treatments can also be really helpful to alleviate symptoms if you do catch a cold. When working with a trained herbalist, herbs are also helpful to stay healthy, prevent and treat colds and flu.

