So I hear you want to open a copywriting business on the web. Congratulations and my best to you! Trouble is, you're stuck in Mediocre Land, because you can't afford to get the tools you need to start commanding respect with decent looking website outfit. Am I right, or am I right? Get out of the rut and get serious about your business. May I present: Dina's Suggested Sacrifices/Spending Rationalizations for the Struggling Freelance Copywriter on a Budget
1. Movie tickets and beer in exchange for an autoresponder service.
How much money did you spend on movies and beer this week, huh? Did you really need to fork over your cash to the slack-jawed, tinsel-toothed cashier at the local movie house so you could be the first in line for Snakes on a Plane or The Black Dahlia? You know it's all coming out on cable eventually anyway. And how about all that hops and malt that's constantly flooding your intestines, and the $7-a-pack Marlboro Ultra Lights you keep dragging on while the Saga of Your Meager Existence drags on? Is that healthy? Will these costly habits help to grow your business?
A good autoresponder service is either a. free if you select a minimum-feature service, or b. about $60 per month if you want a shopping cart/ezine in one, with the option to sell e-product on autopilot. Ooh, 60 per month is a lot of dinero, you say? Try cutting that much out of your grocery bill instead. Oh come on, do you really need that 2-pack of Ring Dings or the instant miso soup? Can you shred up a carrot and some cabbage yourself instead of paying extra for the bag of instant slaw? Buy a frozen Purdue Oven Stuffer Roaster and eat it for 4 days straight instead of paying $7 a pop for the rotisserie chicken that you're only going to fling into the garbage at the end of a bloated, chicken-flavored day.
Why is an an ezine list manager/autoresponder worth it? Because this is where your paying clients come from. If you need further schooling on this, visit the ezine management section of my website.
2. Sordid gossip in exchange for self-taught Photoshop lessons.
I know, you can't wait to hear what happened with your best friend's mother's sister and that rat bastard of a husband of hers. And the celebrity gossip blogs are just too juicy to pass up. Or are they? Really, is piddling away your time talking to small-minded people (forgive me, maybe your best friend is one in a million, but tell me that trivial matters aren't sucking up 80% of your time that could be spent more constructively) doing anything to further your career? Is it? Are these spinster cronies of yours, with their neon-lit MySpace pages looking out for Numero Uno? Does a flood of new paying opportunities come pouring in each time you fill out of one those "Take the Survey" email forwards?
If you don't have Photoshop and don't want to spring for it, do a Google search for "The Gimp" photo editing software. Download it for free and have yourself a merry old time. When you get good at it, create your own logo. Yes, you. All that doodling practice you got in fourth grade is about to pay off. Take your artistic skills and put them to work for your business. Gossip might while away the hours, but it somehow leaves your heart empty. Photo editing fills deep hidden crevices of the soul and goes where trite conversation just can't reach.
3. Bitching and moaning in exchange for instant web articles.
We all love to complain about our jobs, and I'm no exception. But wouldn't it be grand if instead of sending that list of gripes to your work cronies who are too busy toting their own weary loads to truly acknowledge your plight, you turned the kvetching into web content. If you think about it, the nastier of a mood you're in or the more frustrated you feel, the more likely that great writing is going to pour out of you which then can be turned into various marketing items: blog posts, EzineArticles, networking topics, and more. The trick, really, is to learn how to turn your sour grapes (complaints and problems) into wine (solutions), and then recycle the material for use to blast your name out there. You think I'm kidding? I couldn't be more serious. Where do you think I get the material for the pulsing heap of article spewage I give birth to each and every month?
How to find a good set of article sites to submit your bitching-in-disguise? Go to Google, type in your niche topic, and then the words "submit article" in quotes. Bingo, a fresh list of niche-targeted places to publish your work. By the bye... the article writing method that I just described works as both an instant web content generator, and a great way to self-coach your way out of the pits of despair.
4. One trip to Target per season, in exchange for one new website design.
Put down the ceramic coasters with the camels printed on them and back away from that rack of leg warmers. You don't need to usher in fall's hottest designer trends ala Tar-JAY (that's phonetic "French" spelling of Target and I don't know where the accent key is) as much as you think you do. You say you grew out of those old Levi's and you simply must replenish last year's supply of turtlenecks in multi colors, all of which now sport unsightly pills and baby drool stains of varying shades? Okay, fine... buy the jeans, then. And if you must proceed with your reckless shopping frenzy, toss a couple of business-related purchases onto the evil black conveyor belt. May as well put the plastic toward some hanging file folders and a zip drive.
Seriously - if you ARE working from home or a small office, then there is no excuse for these seasonal shopping binges of yours. Not even for shoes! Take the money you save as a result of steering clear of the mall, Target and yes even your old friend Walmart, and put it toward a fresh new look for your website. You can find a budget-friendly web designer from someone like me, who knows a slew of them. Or, post your needs at at But if you really would rather waste the money on suede slipcovers, download the free editing software that's available at
I can go on and on about the needless purchases you make now, in your everyday life, that you can cut out of your monthly spending and instead opt for something that enhances your knowledge, sharpens your professional image and will help you pull in more bottom line. But I think you get the idea, don't you? Next time you think you can't afford something good for your business, run down the laundry list of Things I Spend My Money On But Don't Really Need.
And while I'm harping, why not forgo your weekly manicure in favor of getting a copywriting makeover from Email Dina "at" for a custom copywriting quote today.